Custom Backing Tracks

The new way to advance. progress. success.advance.

The Backing Track

We'll make the backing track and let you hear what the Pros can do. We'll do our best to satisfy you.

What We Need

All we need is a recording of you singing with any accompaniment. That means singing with a piano, guitar or band sent to us along with a chord sheet.

The Mix

We'll mix the backing track and send it to you by wave form or mp3 once you've agreed to the mix.

The Copyright

Always make sure your song is copyrighted and the Pros will do the rest. All we do is play the music and send you the track. The client is responsible for their copyrights.

The Project

If you don't need a mix and just want the DAW project or stems, no problem; we'll fit your needs.

Your Band

Whether you're a soloist, singing group or band we can make your backing track.

Sound clips of our work listed below.

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